Sunday, January 11, 2009

Schiff: US Dollar Panic?

Peter Schiff does not like what he sees and worries about a run on the greenback. He's a guy who confidently predicted the current economic crisis. Scary stuff:

In the current crisis, there is growing evidence that Washington is in a state of increasing panic. Despite its massive cash injections, market manipulations and ‘rescue’ plans, the recession is clearly deepening and spreading. With little to show thus far, politicians don’t know if they should redouble past efforts, break ground on new initiatives, or both. However all agree, unfortunately, that the consequences of doing too little far outweigh the consequences of doing too much.

Although there are many parallels between the current crisis and the Crash of 1929, one key difference is the global profile of the U.S. dollar. In 1929, the dollar was on the rise, and would soon eclipse the British Pound Sterling as the world’s ‘reserve’ currency. Furthermore, the American economy was fundamentally so strong that in 1934 America was the only major nation able to maintain a currency tied to gold.

Ever since, the U.S. dollar’s privileged ‘reserve’ status has been a principal factor in America’s continued prosperity. The dollar’s unassailable position has enabled successive American governments to disguise the vast depletion of America’s wealth and to successfully increase U.S. Treasury debt to where the published debt now accounts for some 100 percent of GDP. The total of U.S. Government debt, including IOU’s and unfunded programs, now stands at a staggering $50 trillion, or five times GDP! If the dollar were just another currency, this never would have been possible.

I think the public is mature enough to try and tighten their belts now and stave off this disaster. But there is no political leadership out there who has the guts ask people to sacrifice.

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